Can't locate the "City of Bywater" scenario. This scenario must remain installed at all times as it contains global data used by all scenarios.
Can't locate the SAVE folder. Make sure you have a folder by the name "Save" in your Realmz folder and have folders inside from "Game A" through "Game J"
Can't load Race Data. Make sure you have the file "Data Race" in the data files folder.
Can't open or create "Data CD" file. If you have renamed/moved the "Character Files" folder. Place it back in your Realmz folder with the exact name of "Character Files" and it may correct this problem.
Land/Dungeon Level is way out of bounds. This scenario or saved game may be damaged or out of date.
This saved game file appears to be damaged. Sorry.
Failed to create temporary files on this drive. If you are running Realmz off a locked volume, (Like a CD ROM) please copy it to your hard drive and try again. A game this good will be worth the space.
Can't locate the file "Data S" in the DATA FILES folder.
Could not create offscreen GWorld. You may need to allocate more RAM to Realmz and try again.
Can't locate file "Data ID" in the DATA FILES folder.